Big game update!

# 5/4/2024 BIG Update and bugfixes

PC and Mac versions are attached to this article!

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## Whats new

- Actually functional PC version!

- Mac version! 

- Cave map

- Mushroom spawners in cave system. Green spawners create friendly mushrooms, red ones are aggro. For testing open world feature.

- Quit button in settings menu.

## Changed

- Hub world town format rearranged.

- Disabled Cowboy Katsi for now cause we broke him and now we gotta fix him up

- disabled spike spell while we rework it

- Server connection method changed. May now take a little longer to connect but connection is more reliable and guaranteed.

## In the works

- Furbie monster!

- Pidgeon boss!

- iOS version (probably gonna take awhile to get this done tbh)

- Auto reconnection when disconnected

## Bug fixes

- Projectiles now fly at their proper speed

- Players can no longer accumulate UI by running around and talking to NPCs

- Mushrooms no longer run on the spot even when staying still.

- SEA players no longer auto connect to african server. HOPEFULLY.

- Old wise katsi chat is working again

- Players will no longer get stuck in certain animation cycles.

- Enemy health bar no longer shows wrong level of health

- New users can now make new accounts

## Known issues

- In tutorial, player will flinch when enemies are hit by projectiles that the player casted

- On PC/Mac, po way to properly quit the game from the tutorial LOL y'all gonna have to alt+f4 out of the tutorial till next update.

- Speed spell particle effects linger forever even if the effects have worn off

- Acid spell is One Hit KO. we gotta rebalance this spell LOL

- On mobile, Game will not auto-reconnect after minimizing the app.

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Apr 07, 2024

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